
前一周就开始大量风传Google要收购Feedburner,各种分析都很有道理。6月1日Google的官方Blog是这么解释的:As you know, we're constantly looking for ways to identify and offer new tools for content creators and website publishers. Likewise, we constantly aim to give AdWords advertisers broader distribution to an even wider audience of users. For these reasons, we're very pleased to tell you that we've just acquired FeedBurner.

所以简而言之,就是两个原因:为内容创造者和网站出版商找到更好的内容传播途径;为广告发布商创造更多的渠道覆盖更多的目标用户。借助Feedburner, Google Adsense/Adwords将会有更好的出路。